Theme: “HOBBY” 5 клас
o тренувати у вживанні вивчених граматичних структур, активізувати лексичні структури сформовані на попередніх уроках;
o удосконалювати навички читання, письма та усного мовлення;
o виховувати поважне ставлення до хобі своїх однокласників;
o розвивати мовну здогадку, мовленнєві навички, творче мислення.
Тип уроку комбінований
Обладнання: підручник О.Д. Карп’юк “English 5” та аудіо додаток, аудіо матеріали до ідручника Т.Пахомова “Joy of English 5”, ілюстрації із зображенням хобі, ксерокопії із завданнями, комп’ютер, проектор.
I. Org. moment
o тренувати у вживанні вивчених граматичних структур, активізувати лексичні структури сформовані на попередніх уроках;
o удосконалювати навички читання, письма та усного мовлення;
o виховувати поважне ставлення до хобі своїх однокласників;
o розвивати мовну здогадку, мовленнєві навички, творче мислення.
Тип уроку комбінований
Обладнання: підручник О.Д. Карп’юк “English 5” та аудіо додаток, аудіо матеріали до ідручника Т.Пахомова “Joy of English 5”, ілюстрації із зображенням хобі, ксерокопії із завданнями, комп’ютер, проектор.
I. Org. moment
T:Good morning children! How are you?
Ps: We are fine, thank you. And you?
T: I’m fine, thank you.
Slide 1
T: Look at the pictures and say what we are going to speak about. The theme of our lesson is HOBBY.
Slide 1
T: Look at the pictures and say what we are going to speak about. The theme of our lesson is HOBBY.
Slide 2
T: Today we are travelling into Hobbyland. Name the hobbies you can see on the pictures.
T: What is hobby?
P: A hobby is an activity we always like doing!
Phonetic Drill
Slide 3
T: Let’s start our lesson with the chant. Listen to the rithm.
I like reading comic books.
I always read a lot.
I like collecting action toys.
Sometimes it’s hard to stop.
I like swimming, singing, painting.
I like hiking, drawing, skating.
I can study every day.
I can jump, I can run,
I can play, it’s really fun!
Main part of the lesson.
Reviewing the previous material
Slide 4
T:Let`s brush up in our memory the structures I am fond of/ I am interested in.
I am fond of
I am interested in
(Ha дошці
записані вирази, діти повторюють за вчителем, перекладають.)
e.g. I am
fond of collecting coins I
am interested in embroidering
1) T: But before you make the sentences add - ing
ending to the verbs.
Slide 5
As you remember
ing ending is important with the
verbs in these structures:
______(sing) songs
_______(listen)to music
______(take) photos
________(watch) films
______(go) to the museum _________(read) books
______(collect) stamps _________(make)
______(write) poems _________ (ride) a horse
Grammar Training. Group work.
T: Split into three groups. You have got the words to
make up sentences/. As soon as you are ready, make a line in front of the blackboard
and show your sentences. Read all together.
e.g. I am fond
of embroidering.
I am interested in collecting CDs.
I am fond of taking photos.
Open your copy-books and write down the date.
T: Make up sentences using structures: I am fond of/I am interested in. WB Ex.1 p. 26 PB p.62
T:There are many activities we can do in Hobbyland.
But there are some we can’t do. Slide 6
Let’s listen. What can’t we do today in
our Hobbyland. Tr.39
(can’t skate, ride a horse, play computer games)
But we can dance. So, let’s stand up – “Pinguin Dance”.
Slide 7
Group work.
T: Look at PB Ex.1, p.62.
There are different groups of hobbies: learning things, doing things, making things,
collecting things. You have got cards with names of hobbies. Choose those you
need for your group/: drawing, painting, cooking, gardening, teddy-bears, going
to art galleries, stamps, playing chess, embroidering, travelling, cycling,
reading, going to museums, going to the theatre, coins, and postcards.
Tell which is your favourite hobby?
T: Game.
Slide 8
Pupils move around the classroom and ask each other
questions. What is your hobby?What are you interested in/fond of?
(3 minutes)
My hobby is
collecting stamps.
Find out who:
ü is interested in cooking;
ü is fond of playing football.
My hobby is
Find out who:
ü is interested in collecting stamps;
ü is fond of taking photos.
My hobby is
Find out who:
ü is interested in taking photos;
ü is fond of dancing.
My hobby is
playing football.
Find out who:
ü is interested in music;
ü is fond of playing the guitar.
My hobby is
playing the guitar
Find out who:
ü is interested in collecting stamps;
ü is fond of taking photos.
My hobby is
taking photos.
Find out who:
ü is interested in cooking;
ü is fond of reading comics.
My hobby is music.
Find out who:
ü is interested in collecting postcards;
ü is fond of playing the guitar.
My hobby is
collecting postcards
Find out who:
ü is fond of taking photos;
ü is interested in music.
My hobby is reading
Find out who:
ü is interested in cooking;
ü is fond of playing football.
Ps tell about what they’ve got to know.
Slide 9
T: Now we
are going to read the text and do some tasks.
Many pupils of our school have interesting hobbies.
Lara is 11 years old. She likes writing poems and painting pictures.
Tom is 15 years old and he has very interesting
hobbies. He likes dancing,
designing Internet sites and playing the piano.
Robert is almost 13 years old. His hobbies are playing
football and reading detective
stories. Our pupils do many interesting things and
they are very busy.
They also love different subjects. Tom is the best
pupil at math. Lara is good at art and literature and Robert is one of the best
pupils at PE. Their hobbies help them study well too.
Slide 10
Tick T(true) or F(false).
1. Lara’s hobby is Maths. F
2. Playing football is Robert’s hobby. T
3. Lara is good at art. T
4. Robert is 15 years old. F
5. Tom is good at literature. F
6. Tom is a reporter. F
Choose the correct answer.
1. How old is Robert? 13/ 16
2. Who has the most hobbies? Lara /Tom
3. Is Tom older than Robert? Yes/
4. Who likes to play football? Robert/ Tom
5. Is playing the piano Lara's hobby? Yes/ No
Slide 11
Exchange your works look at the screen there are correct answers. Check
your partner’s work. Evaluate.
Pair work. First, read this
dialogue silently, then 2 Ps read loudly.
Slide 12
Some words are in italics you change them in your
dialogues according to the objects you’ve get.
P1: It’s
great! We are in Hobbyland. What can we do together? Let’s see…
Do you have a hobby?
P2: Yes,
I do. And you?
P1: I have
a hobby too. I am fond of doing experiments. And you?
P2: I like playing
tennis, it`s my favourite hobby.
P1: I’ve
got some materials for my experiments. What have you got?
P2: I’ve
got a tennis racket.
P1: Ok. We
can do both! Let’s play tennis and do experiments.
P2: Ok.
That’s a good idea!
T: Take any object from my magic bag (rake, spade,
headphones, chess, embroibered towel, markers, etc.)
Act your own dialogues
Slide 13
Home task: WB Ex.
1 p 26, ex.11 p. 31; to act the dialogues.
Summing up
T: So, children, let`s summarize our work at the
lesson. Did you like the lesson? Ps show “Smilies”
What did you like to do at the lesson? Was it
difficult for you?
Your marks are…
T: Thank you for the lesson and good-bye!
1. Підручник “English 5” О. Д. Карп’юк
2. Робочий зошит для 5 класу О. Д. Карп’юк
3. П ідручник “Joy of English 5” Т.Пахомова
4. Навчальна програма для 5-9 класів загальноосвітніх
навчальних закладів (за новим Державним стандартом базової і повної загальної середньої